Private Escort
We take pride in offering the very best private ambulance transport services. Next to safety and comfort, patient privacy is our top concern. Looking past the tinted windows, our private medical transport vehicles are also equipped with black out curtains for extended patient privacy.
A Step Above the Rest
Our services are provided by caring transport specialists. Whereas our competitors often have two drivers only, we have a nurse and two drivers accompany our patients ensure continuity of care throughout the trip.
Nationwide State to State
Our non-emergency medical transport services are provided by highly-qualified staff members who are not only prepared to provide transportation services, but also to assist with necessary personal hygiene and comfort requirements of patients who must travel long distances.
Bedside to Bedside
We recognize the need for long distance ambulance and patient transport services dedicated to the delivery of compassionate, yet clinically-distinguished medical care during medical transports. Our goal is to provide the personal attention that every customer deserves.
Bariatric Stretcher
We provide excellent patient care and we go the extra mile to ensure that our bariatric patients are comfortable and safe. specialized transport aimed to facilitate easy and convenient transportation of obese or severely overweight people. We use equipment and vehicles that allow loved ones to accompany the patient to their new location.
Immobile Patients
We have professionals with specially equipped vehicles for moving patients who are immovable. This transportation is designed to help and allow patients to sit upon an easy and comfortable stretcher or lay flat without conducting any movements to stay safe and sound.
Especially suited for those patients who physically challenged.
© 2017-23 IVA Industries, LLC
Stockbridge, Georgia | E: | O: (678) - 249-9491 | DOT: 315465